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Please tell us about your Comfort Gut success!
The horses Comfort Gut has helped...


Calm horse today
"De-shedded and lunged my lazy, calm horse today. A few months ago grooming her was a health hazard... not knowing if she was going to squeal, kick or bite me when I was brushing her sides. The kids held her while I groomed. I also palpated her acupuncture points that indicate ulcers. Two months ago she would bite me and pin her ears. No response today. So pleased with my girl, her coats got a shine and she's feeling fine. Comfort Gut won't be leaving my feeding routine!"
Comfort Gut really turned him around
"I used Comfort Gut on my horse Duffy, who's had some gut issues for at least a year, seemed to give his gut the rest it needed because he is back to his old self. I also eliminated sugars from his diet and added Probiotic 8, but I think Comfort Gut was what really turned him around" Amy Neufeld Klein
Cribbing has stopped
"I have seen a huge difference with my mare. I started with Comfort Gut. She is a cribber and also was cinchy when tightening her saddle. She would crib in her stall with every bite of hay. In the first few days , there were no more problems with tightening her saddle. Stands perfectly, no more throwing her head at her belly. With the cribbing- has stopped except for the first few mouthfuls of hay, but nowhere's near what it was. As for the proof to me that she is more content and that the cribbing has reduced is the fact that I stopped giving it to her for a week because I was worming her. However, instead of a 3 day off due to a busy schedule she didn't get wormed until late in the week, so she was off for seven days! The cribbing was back to what she was doing before! She was cranky, constantly at the other horses, didn't want you to even blink her way & ears would be pinned. Since we are back on Comfort Gut, we have a happy mare again. I have never had a cribber before so this was new territory for me and wanted to try to see if I could find a solution to help with the situation and I have no regrets in using Comfort Gut!" Terry Wagner
Even More a new horse!
"about 2 weeks ago my horse came off of gastro guard (as per instruction of my vet) after it successfully treated his ulcers. I have decided to use comfort gut and after only a week, he cribbed less, his coat was beautiful, and now is more beautiful. He was a happy horse when we cleared up the ulcers (with gastro guard under veterinary instruction), but on comfort gut he is even more a new horse. More willing, he comes to me in the pasture. He wants his belly rubbed - I love comfort gut and plan to use it long term" Katie Giles"
Difference is fantastic
"I put my Thorobred mare on comfort gut , as she spent most of her day walking fence line and stressing out if I wasn't on time, she is in light work , and comfort gut has been amazing for her, she now spends more time grazing and is more tolerant if I'm late to feed her, this is a great product and I highly recommend it, I'm feeding just 8gm twice a day so 16gm daily, the difference is fantastic her attitude to school has also improved" Fiona Hurrenreid
So impressed
"So impressed. One of my horses has been on medication from the vets for scouring badly and having a sore tummy, despite being ten times the price and dosage rate I never noticed a huge difference. Three days of using comfort gut at just the maintenance dose he has almost totally firm poo for the first time!! So thank you Comfort Gut for making my boy happy again" Courtney Booth

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